Adult Kickboxing

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Our adult kickboxing classes mix the martial arts into some cardio and callisthenics, meaning you can use them to get fit and lose weight, learn the sport, meet new people and compete if that's what you'd like.

We accept students in this class from fourteen and above, as teens are not suitable for training seriously with children at younger ages. Any student above the age of fourteen but below eighteen must be signed up by their parent or guardian.

There are no expectations of what you must achieve, so if you want to come to class for fun and never grade for a new belt, that is perfectly fine. Similarly, if you want to work your way to a Black Belt, we can help you on that journey.

Once class numbers are high enough, we will split the class into a beginner and an advanced class, allowing the advanced students to focus on achieving their grades and sparring to give them a fighting experience.